What will I learn through this module?
In this module you will learn how to use digital technologies (spreadsheet, dynamic geometry, computer algebra) for introducing students with functions as modelling tools in a diversity of contexts, and for exploring their properties through the dynamic interplay between representations that technology makes possible.
What should I already know?

Before you begin this module, we suggest that you get some familiarity with the digital resources used in this module, especially spreadsheet and dynamic geometry. This can be achieved using the EdUmatics Module 1.

For fully benefiting from this module, it is certainly better to have already some experience of teaching functions at middle or high school level, but the module can also be used without this experience. In that case, we suggest that you look at the ways functions are introduced and technology used for their teaching in your country.

How does this EdUmatics module link with the other modules?
You will also find other insightful examples of the use of technology for the teaching of functions in modules 2 and 5, and useful tools for the analysis of classroom video clips in module 4.
What activities does this module include and how long will it take for me to complete?
In this module, you will be successively proposed three different contexts for approaching the teaching of functions with digital technologies. In the first one, you will use functions and technology for investigating the variation of areas of shop signs having different geometrical forms; in the second you will use functions and technology for exploring and discussing the intersections of curves; in the third one, starting from videos, you will use functions and technology for modelling different types of pursuit games and exploring their characteristics. You will be asked to analyse the potential of these three contexts for the teaching of functions, both from a mathematical and technological perspectives (12 – 15 hours), to analyse video clips coming from classroom trials (3 hours), and to propose a scenario of use adapted to your particular educational context and aims (6 hours). A least one trial and a subsequent posteriori analysis would be welcome (4-6 hours). Finally, you will be also asked to read and comment one article of suggested readings attached to this module (4 hours), and to create a portfolio for presenting your activities on this module (6 hours).